Upon returning to the US...

A short list of cool stuff that has happened in the past two weeks with Ro since she's been back in the country. 1. Watched heelarious videos on YouTube with Jean until very early in the morning. Because we are awesome. And have awesome social lives. 2. Got Ro addicted to the West Wing. She's working her way through Season Two already. She loves Josh. As everyone should. 3. Ate overpriced tasty tasty ice cream - who knew Earl Grey and Darjeeling ice cream could be so good? 4. Went to a Giants game in one of the boxes behind home plate for freeeeeeee. It was a pretty sweet view. Pictures to come. I'm not sure I need to go to a professional baseball game ever again. I mean, I don't think the seats I get will ever be better than that. 5. Also got Ro completely sucked into Settlers of Catan. If you haven't played with us yet...your time is coming. 6. On her first full day back in the country, we went to the Berkeley Farmer's Market (since she's all crunchy now) and then we went to Costco. Just for some variation. 7. Went to Costco again with my staff and basically spent an hour spending however much money we wanted. The beginning of the year Costco run is pretty sweet. 8. Watched my staff lose their frickin minds when they saw Dan again for the first time this year. "When we walked in, they all screamed "Dan!" and I moved out of the way, because I thought they were going to tackle him and I didn't want to be in the way." Nice. Clearly, I'm not nearly as important. Note: My whole staff also now loves Rosa as well. 9. James, our skittish cat, has stopped running out of the room when Ro enters one. AND he actually sat on her lap the other day. Which was cute. And great for her cat allergy. 10. Ro has also now introduced Dan and I to fun things in all of her "I just traveled around the world" type knowledge. Which is awesome because we won't be able to get much of it here. Awesome. Mango licorice, yum. Tim Tams, yum. New Zealand organic sustainable wine, yes please. 11. Since gaping at my overly full bookshelf, Ro has starting picking books off of it and reading them at random. Currently, she's working her way through a book I bought today. Not sure when I'll get that back.


Anonymous said...

hahaha wow it has indeed been a wonderful 2 weeks here in berkeley. =]
whoever will i play settlers with now??

Anonymous said...

oh p.s.- best. blogpost. EVER. =]

meghan said...

sounds like a fantastic couple of weeks. i can only hope you enjoy yourself as much when the masses descend upon your place next week!

welcome back, ro!