Take Five Tuesday

This week I'm trying to go vegetarian for a week, starting today. We shall see how it goes. So far, so good (considering I skipped breakfast so have only had two meals). There are a bunch of reasons why - none of which are super important to me, I'm just kind of trying it out. 5 snacks that you have stashed in your desk drawer. 1. Hershey Kisses 2. Smarties 3. Granola Bar 4. Fruit leather 5. Lollipops 5 things that people are always surprised to find out about you. 1. I've never broken a bone 2. I was born in the same hospital as my mom 3. I was named after a nun 4. I want to complete a triathalon by the time I'm 30 5. At one point I was in both orchestra AND band, and at another time, in choir and band. I'm a huge nerd. 5 new inventions you would like to see in the future 1. Planes that don't crash...and travel faster 2. Comfortable bras, for realz. 3. Something that makes people want to get back to reading newspapers, magazines and books again 4. A cure for cancer 5. An invisibility cloak 5 of your earliest memories 1. Thanksgiving with my mom's family at my grandparent's house in Johnstown, PA 2. Baseball games with my dad in Pittsburgh 3. Montessori school playground during preschool 4. My favorite teacher in preschool (Mrs. Ahmad) 5. Another student in my class puking under his desk in first grade (nice, right?) 5 things you would never do 1. Botox 2. Tell someone that they aren't good enough 3. Move back to the Midwest 4. Give up cheese 5. Stop reading


Anonymous said...

i'm diggin' these lists. where do you get the categories?

how's the vegetarian thing going?
i read one page of skinny bitch and it made me want to stop drinking milk. crazy.

meghan said...

What!? You're never moving back to OH? Just going to leave Meredith & me here then, huh?

Smart. Mwah!

Dan said...

Berkeley Labs already invented the invisibility cloak. (Read: Dan's a dork for knowing this)